Monday, May 7, 2012


I'm so sorry! I'm not dead! I've just been super busy with work lately! ; A ;

I promise a new blog post soon!

I got two new pair of contacts in the mail, recently:

Princess Nudy Blue


Dreamy.i Hazel.

Reviews coming soon!

Friday, February 17, 2012

New Eyelashes and eBay Arrivals [Picture Heavy]

Hi, Gals!

I meant to do this the night before Valentine's but I guess I got caught up in real life happenings.

Anywho, recently I've been doing a lot of eBay shopping [sadly, it's addicting] and overall I've spent roughly $100 on stuff. They're mostly accessories, though. I mean, I can't help it if such cute things are selling for less than $5.

Anyway. On my last entry, I noted that I had purchased a 6 pair of eyelashes from eBay. Well, they arrived the night before Valentine's day and I tried them all on just to see how they looked. 

Onto the pictures!

Okay, so here are the 6 pairs of lashes I got. I'm in love with the middle right and bottom left the most.

The ones on the top row I will refer to as "Set 1" because they are the most similar to each other.

The middle right and the bottom left are "Set 2".

The middle left and bottom right are "Set 3".

I decided that in order to save time and glue, I'd try them on 2 at a time.

So at the top we have all 6 pairs of lashes. Then we have Set 1, the thinnest, Set 2, the middle thickness and Set 3, the thickest. My pictures are a combination from both my DSi camera and my laptop's webcam due to the colour and quality showing up differently for each one. [I hate the lighting in my bedroom.] Just for reference, my DSi takes pictures backwards, so they'll be opposite to my webcam's photos.

Set 1                                            Set 2                                             Set 3

Thursday, February 9, 2012

New Hair, Gyaru Practice, and stuff I bought~ (Picture Heavy)

Hey Gals!

Alright, where to begin, where to begin...

WELL. I guess I'll start off with my hair.


I've been wanting, for a while now, to do something different to it because I have hair A.D.D. and am constantly changing it. As you all know, it was recently dyed blue in December for the holidays, but it quickly turned green from repeated washing.

I finally bleached it again and it's this pretty golden blonde colour. I went to Wal-Mart the other day and saw this box of Splat Rebellious Colors Lightening Bleach one application kit for $8 something.

It did a wonderful job! My roots were coming in like crazy and my natural hair colour is nearly black. They came to a slight orangey colour, but since my hair was pre-bleached, it's a very nice golden blonde. 


A few weeks ago, I also bought myself a bottle of Keratin Deep Penetrating Conditioning Treatment from Sally's Beauty Supply for $8 because of my hair feeling much like straw from the chemical damage from my constant hair dyeing. Not to mention the fact that I haven't had a trim in over a year. I really need it. The split ends are killing me.

I've yet to use it, but the employee at Sally's recommended that I use it at least once a week and I will see results. So, here's to hoping. I want my hair to have the luster and shine that it once had.

So, after doing all of that, I decided to practice my Gyaru make up again and show off my waves and be a cam whore. Don't worry, I won't spam you with a bunch of pics of my mug. That's for facebook. XD


So then, onto my hair!


It came out pretty well and while I was at it, I realized that my bangs were waaaaay too long, so I decided to cut them. I was going to go for a straight cut, like I usually do, but then I wanted to do a "scene kid" kind of trim, and finally settled on doing a slanted cut instead. I was kind of unsure about it right before I did it, but...
I'm happy with the results now. 



I also took a close up shot of my eye. You can actually see my top lashes this time. I also took Lolo's advice and trimmed down my eyebrows so that I could make them brown. They looked very distracting being black while my hair is currently blonde. I must say: I kind of like it!

I also laid on the eyeliner on top a bit thicker than I usually do. It was nice, but at the same time a tad frustrating. It makes it hard to see my lashes from a distance, but overall, made my eyes pop out more.


Nothing special, but I painted my nails Valentine's themed.
They kind of suck. XD


Now that that's over with, I also wanted to update with my current purchases and what I'm waiting for to arrive.

I decided that I was finally going to stretch my ear lobes. I know this isn't a very Gyaru thing to do, but it's something I've wanted to do for a few years now, and seeing that my girlfriend did it only makes me want to do it more. I decided I'm going up to a 10mm, that's 00G and have already bought some tapers to get me started.

 2mm    3mm
 4mm   10mm (Where I'm stopping)

I can't wait for them all to arrive so I can work on this.


I also got this Kingdom Hearts II Roxas necklace. I've wanted one for a while, so I decided to get it. ♥

I am also waiting on 6 pairs of false lashes.

Can't wait to try them on! Loving the second row, second column and the third row.



I decided to be a great friend/girlfriend and buy my best friend and my girlfriend some ear cuffs for Valentine's day. I'm having them shipped directly to their houses. Sure, they may not get them by Valentine's day, but all that matters is that I bought them. ♥
Bought these hollow cross ones for myself.

Bought this lock and key set of cuffs for my bestie, Izzy.

And I bought these for my girlfriend. ♥
I can't wait for them to arrive! We'll all feel cool as fuck. XD Anyway, sorry for the super long blog post; I just thought I'd finally get all of this out there and out of the way in one shot! Til next time, Gals~

What do you think of my hair? Am I looking more Gyaru now? I'm still learning, but I do hope that I'm improving. Please comment and tell me what you think?


~Demy ♥